From the trailer we can see that Blaziken will be using mostly kicks engulfed in fire, and some speedy quick hits while in battle. Fans might also notice that a few of her moves look very similar to Tekken’s Hwoarang. Well, if Hwoarang had flaming kicks that look like they could melt your face off.

Blaziken was originally one of the first characters seen alongside Lucario in the game back when screenshots of it leaked back in 2014. Of course at that time, fans thought the game was a new Pokémon Colosseum, or a new open-world Pokemon.

Some early screens of Blaziken in action!

Harada has stated that he wanted to make the game more approachable to Pokémon fans, and his team has worked hard to do so. Making small tweaks such as removing the two massive health bars, as well as adding type effectiveness to a small degree are just a few of the changes that he’s making to the system.

Pokken is set for release in August for Japanese arcades. There are no plans to release the game for westerners, but as the game continues to grow we can expect to hear more from Pokken Tournament in the near future.

What do you guys think? Does Blaziken look broken? Should we be excited for a game that isn’t heading west? Got a Pokémon that should be added to the roster? Let me know in the comments below!